Religious Prayers For A Funeral Order Of Service Booklet


A funeral order of service is more than just a program; it is a cherished keepsake that captures the essence of the ceremony. For religious funerals, including prayers in the booklet is crucial. These prayers offer comfort, celebrate the deceased’s faith, and provide spiritual support to the bereaved.

This article provides a selection of religious prayers suitable for different stages of the funeral service, ensuring a respectful and heartfelt tribute.

Article Contents

Opening Prayers


“Almighty God, we remember before you today your faithful servant [Name]; and we pray that, having opened to him the gates of larger life, you will receive him more and more into your joyful service, that he may win, with you and your servants everywhere, the eternal victory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

“Heavenly Father, in your Son Jesus Christ, you have given us a true faith and a sure hope. Strengthen this faith and hope in us all our days, that we may live as those who believe in the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection to eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

“O God of grace and glory, we remember before you this day our brother/sister [Name]. We thank you for giving him/her to us, his/her family and friends, to know and to love as a companion on our earthly pilgrimage. In your boundless compassion, console us who mourn. Give us faith to see in death the gate of eternal life, so that in quiet confidence we may continue our course on earth, until, by your call, we are reunited with those who have gone before; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”


“O Allah, forgive our living and our dead, those who are present among us and those who are absent, our young and our old, our males and our females. O Allah, whomever you keep alive, keep him alive in Islam, and whomever you cause to die, cause him to die in faith. Amen.”

“O Allah, exalt his station among those who are guided, send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it. Amen.”

“O Allah, have mercy on him and forgive him. Strengthen him with firm words. O Allah, forgive our living and our dead, those who are present and those who are absent, our young and our old, our men and our women. Amen.”


“O God, full of compassion, who dwells on high, grant perfect rest beneath the sheltering wings of Your Divine Presence among the holy and the pure who shine as the brightness of the heavens to the soul of [Name] who has gone to his eternal home. Amen.”

“El Maleh Rachamim, God full of compassion, who dwells on high, grant perfect rest on the wings of Your Divine Presence, among the holy and the pure who shine as the brightness of the firmament, to the soul of [Name] who has gone to his eternal home. May You who are the source of mercy shelter him/her beneath Your wings eternally, and bind his/her soul among the living, that he/she may rest in peace. And let us say, Amen.”

“Lord, grant perfect rest to the soul of [Name] who has departed from this world. May he/she rest in peace in Your heavenly abode. May his/her soul be bound up in the bond of life. May he/she rest in peace. Amen.”

Prayers for the Bereaved


“Lord, we ask for your comfort and peace to surround the family and friends of [Name] during this time of sorrow. Give them strength and hope, and let your love heal their hearts. May they find solace in the promises of your Word and the support of their community. Amen.”

“O God, who brought us to birth, and in whose arms we die, in our grief and shock contain and comfort us; embrace us with your love, give us hope in our confusion and grace to let go into new life; through Jesus Christ. Amen.”

“Heavenly Father, be with us as we mourn the loss of [Name]. Surround us with your love and bring us peace. Comfort us with the hope of the resurrection and the promise of eternal life. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”


    “O Allah, grant patience and fortitude to the family of [Name] in this time of grief. Shower them with your blessings and mercy, and replace their sadness with hope and light. Let their hearts find peace in their faith and the remembrance of You. Amen.”

    “O Allah, give the family of [Name] strength and patience during this difficult time. Grant them solace and peace, and let them find comfort in Your words and promises. Amen.”

    “O Allah, console the hearts of the bereaved family and friends. Let them find peace in Your divine wisdom and mercy. Help them to remember the good times and to look forward to the eternal life promised to the faithful. Amen.”


    “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments and commanded us to support those who mourn. May the family of [Name] be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Amen.”

    “Lord, we ask that you comfort the family of [Name]. Help them to find peace and solace in Your presence. Let their hearts be consoled by the love and support of family and friends, and may they find strength in their faith. Amen.”

    “May the Almighty comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Blessed are You, Lord our God, who heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Give peace and consolation to the family of [Name] in their time of grief. Amen.”

        Prayers of Committal


        “We commend [Name] to Almighty God, and we commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The Lord bless him and keep him, the Lord make his face to shine upon him and be gracious unto him, the Lord lift up his countenance upon him and give him peace. Amen.”

        “Lord Jesus Christ, by your own three days in the tomb, you hallowed the graves of all who believe in you, and so made the grave a sign of hope that promises resurrection even as it claims our mortal bodies. Grant that our brother/sister [Name] may sleep here in peace until you awaken him/her to glory, for you are the resurrection and the life. Amen.”

        “O God, whose blessed Son was laid in a tomb in the garden: Bless, we pray, this grave, set apart for the repose of your servant [Name], that he/she, whose body is buried here, may rest from his/her labors in peace and quietness, until the resurrection on the last day, when the new and immortal body will be raised to the honor and glory of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”


        “O Allah, our companion has returned to you. Grant him rest in a place of light, a place of green pasture, a place of refreshment, where suffering and sorrow are no more. Forgive his sins and bestow mercy upon him. Amen.”

        “O Allah, make his grave spacious and fill it with light. Protect him from the trials of the grave and the punishment of Hell. Grant him eternal rest and peace in Jannah (Paradise). Amen.”

        “O Allah, forgive our deceased, elevate his station, and provide for his family from the bounties of Your grace. Grant him entry into the highest ranks of Paradise and shower him with Your mercy. Amen.”


          “O God, as we commit the body of our loved one to the earth, we trust in Your eternal care. Shelter him in the shadow of Your wings. Grant him peace in Your presence and eternal life in Your kingdom. Amen.”

          “We now commit [Name] to the earth. May his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life. May his memory be for a blessing, and may he rest in peace. Amen.”

          “El Maleh Rachamim, God full of compassion, who dwells on high, grant perfect rest on the wings of Your Divine Presence, among the holy and the pure who shine as the brightness of the firmament, to the soul of [Name]. Amen.”

            Concluding Prayers


            “Almighty God, we thank you for the life of [Name]. As we part ways, we pray that your presence be with us, guiding and comforting us. Help us cherish the memories and follow the path of righteousness. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”

            “Lord, we give thanks for the life of [Name]. We ask for your comfort and strength as we go from this place. Help us to live our lives as a testament to the faith we have in you, until we are reunited in your eternal kingdom. Amen.”

            “Heavenly Father, as we conclude this service, we ask that your peace be with us. Comfort us in our grief, and help us to remember the love and joy that [Name] brought into our lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”


              “O Allah, you are the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate. We entrust [Name] to your care and ask for your continued guidance and mercy. Help us to honor his memory through our actions and grant us strength in our time of loss. Amen.”

              “O Allah, grant us patience and fortitude to bear this loss. Let us find comfort in Your promises and live our lives in accordance with Your will, so that we may be reunited with [Name] in the hereafter. Amen.”

              “O Allah, as we leave this place, let Your peace and blessings be upon us. Guide us and protect us in our journey through life. Grant us the strength to support one another in times of grief and to remember [Name] with love and honor. Amen.”


                “Lord, as we leave this place, we thank you for the life of [Name] and the love we shared. Help us to keep his memory alive through acts of kindness and faith. Comfort us and give us peace. Amen.”

                “God, full of mercy, who dwells in the heights, provide a sure rest upon the Divine Presence’s wings, within the range of the holy and pure, who shine and glow like the sky’s brightness, for the soul of [Name] who has gone to his eternal rest. Amen.”

                “Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who created [Name] and has now returned him to eternal rest. May we be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may peace be upon us all. Amen.”


                  Including religious prayers in a funeral order of service booklet provides spiritual support and a sense of tradition to those mourning. These prayers offer solace, reflect the deceased’s faith, and help the bereaved find comfort.

                  By carefully selecting and including these prayers, the funeral service can be a meaningful tribute, honoring the life and faith of the departed.

                  The prayers outlined in this article can be adapted to suit different denominations and personal preferences, ensuring a respectful and heartfelt ceremony.

                  Whether drawing from Christian, Islamic, or Jewish traditions, these prayers underscore the universal search for peace and solace in the face of loss.

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